Mehdi Tahoori is professor and Chair of Dependable Nano-Computing (CDNC) at the faculty of Informatics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in Germany since 2009. Before that he was an associate professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Northeastern University, Boston, USA. From August to December 2015, he was a visiting professor at VLSI Design and Education Center (VDEC), University of Tokyo, Japan. He was also a research scientist at Fujitsu Laboratories of America in Sunnyvale California from 2002 to 2003. He received his Ph.D. and M.S. in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University in 2003 and 2002, respectively, and B.S. in Computer Engineering from Sharif University, Iran, in 2000.
He has published more than 250 conference and journal papers and holds several patents on various aspects of emerging technologies for computing and resilient system design. He is on the organizing and technical program committee of various design automation, test, and reliability conferences and workshops. He is an associate editor of ACM Journal of Emerging Technologies for Computing, associate editor for IEEE Design and Test Magazine, coordinating editor for Springer Journal of Electronic Testing (JETTA), and associate editor of IET Computers and Digital Techniques. He was the recipient of National Science Foundation CAREER Award. He received a number of best paper nominations and awards at various conferences.