Krishnendu Chakrabarty received the B. Tech. degree from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, in 1990, and the M.S.E. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, in 1992 and 1995, respectively. He is now the William H. Younger Distinguished Professor of Engineering in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Duke University. Prof. Chakrabarty is a recipient of the National Science Foundation Early Faculty (CAREER) award, the Office of Naval Research Young Investigator award, the Humboldt Research Award from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany, and 10 best paper awards at major IEEE conferences.
Prof. Chakrabarty’s current research projects include: testing and design-for-testability of integrated circuits; digital microfluidics, biochips, and cyberphysical systems; optimization of enterprise systems. He has authored 16 books on these topics (with one more book in press), published over 500 papers in journals and refereed conference proceedings, and given over 220 invited, keynote, and plenary talks. He has also presented 40 tutorials at major international conferences. Prof. Chakrabarty is a Fellow of ACM, a Fellow of IEEE, and a Golden Core Member of the IEEE Computer Society. He holds five US patents, with several patents pending. He served as a Distinguished Visitor of the IEEE Computer Society during 2005-2007 and 2010-2012, and as a Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society during 2006-2007 and 2012-2013. Currently he serves as an ACM Distinguished Speaker.
Prof. Chakrabarty served as the Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Design & Test of Computers during 2010-2012. Currently he serves as the Editor-in-Chief of ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems and IEEE Transactions on VLSI Systems. He is also an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Computers, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, IEEE Transactions on Multiscale Computing Systems, ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems. He serves as an Editor of the Journal of Electronic Testing: Theory and Applications (JETTA).