Dependability and Security of Advanced AI Systems
Muhammad Shafique - NYU Abu Dhabi, UAE
Abstract :
Modern Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) approaches, such as, the Deep Neural Networks (DNNs), have shown tremendous improvement over the past years to achieve a significantly high accuracy for a certain set of tasks, like image classification, object detection, natural language processing, and medical data analytics. These DNNs are deployed in s a wide range of applications from Smart Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) and Internet of Thing (IoT) domains on resource-constrained devices subjected to unpredictable and harsh scenarios, thereby requiring dependable AI solutions. Moreover, in the era of growing cyber-security threats, the intelligent features of a smart CPS and IoT system face new type of attacks, requiring novel design principles for robust ML/AI.
In my research labs at New York University and TU Wien, I have been extensively investigating the foundations for the next-generation energy-efficient, dependable, and secure AI/ML computing systems, while addressing the above-mentioned challenges across the hardware and software stacks. This lecture will present design challenges and hardware/software techniques for building dependable and secure AI systems, which leverage optimizations at different software and hardware layers, and at different design stages (e.g., design-time vs. run-time approaches). These techniques provide crucial steps towards enabling the wide-scale deployment of dependable and secure embedded AI systems like UAVs, autonomous vehicles, Robotics, IoT-Healthcare / Wearables, Industrial-IoT, etc.
Sylabus :
- AI/ML for Smart Cyber Physical Systems (CPS): Introduction and Design Challenges
- ML applications for Smart CPS and challenges
- Accelerator based AI Systems
- Introduction to different dependability threats for AI Systems
- Introduction to different security threats for AI Systems
- Dependability for AI Systems
- Resilience analysis
- Techniques for mitigating manufacturing defects faults (stuck-at faults, etc.)
- Techniques for mitigating soft errors
- Techniques for mitigating aging
- Security for AI Systems
- Threat models
- Backdoor attacks
- Adversarial attacks
- Model Stealing attacks
- Defenses
- Conclusion
- Summary of problems and solutions
- Key take away messages
- Open Research Challenges